Friday night, I got a call from my dearest friend. Her husband had a health crisis last year. It came to a head when his doctor would not allow him to go back to work in Saudi Arabia. His prognosis was short-term disability, and then to prepare for long-term disability, based on the diagnosis of fatty liver disease. It was a hard blow.
Gerry worked a stressful job in Saudi Arabia for a major oil company. There were aspects of his job he loved, and aspects, let’s just say, that were less than satisfying. Upon learning of his condition, he reached out to me. In retrospect, I recognize that he knew what he needed to do – he simply didn’t know where to start and lacked some clarity (science / evidence-based research); which aids in the adoption of a new regime. And while his doctor had some rudimentary advice for him regarding diet, it wasn’t nearly enough. It’s not enough to say, “Stop eating this and this and this.”
When the call came, I know this might sound sadistic, but I was thrilled. I was excited because I knew that now he was ready to feel better and I knew he would, and soon. I was pumped! That’s been my experience. Give me three days and you’re gonna feel great.
When we get bad news, we often feel the need to milk the negative emotions around it before we look for the bounce. But really, Gerry was ready. More ready than I expected. He was ready to focus on feeling better, and not focus on the diagnosis, let alone, the prognosis.
I simply became the means to the end. I stayed for three days – that’s the magic number of days for those who have not read my previous blog posts. We cooked, we laughed (Gerry’s a funny guy) and we ate a lot of food, which is what happens during a Three-day Plant-based Reset. It was so joyful. Plus, Gerry loves to cook so after three days, his eyes were opened wide to the infinite possibilities around cooking plant-based. I think he was, to quote my friend Shelly, ‘Gobsmacked.’ He had no idea of the door he opened.
Several weeks later, Gerry and Robbin joined my dad and me on Dad’s verandah for a long overdue visit. Dad has since passed, but it was one of his best days of his last summer. In fact, as the night wore on, Dad said he was enjoying himself so much but he was just too sleepy to continue. I can still see his contented, drowsy smile as he said his goodnights. Gerry and Dad had a fun visit and it began with a most memorable moment for me; seeing Gerry exit his vehicle. I had not seen him since our three days together. He was lighter, brighter and he looked ten years younger. I’ve known Gerry since grade school. It melted my heart to find him so empowered, so healthy looking, vital, joyful, funny and engaging. It was more than diet, it was bigger than plants. He found something more than just food. And it showed. Big time. And by the way, after three months of his diagnosis, Gerry’s doctor gave him the all clear to go back to work. No long-term disability for this cowboy!
Verandah overlooking the pond Jack and Bernice’s 66th anniversary
Fast forward one year to that call on the Friday night from my dear friend. Gerry, who was busy at his new job (a job that allows him to focus more on what he loves) had just gotten some results from his doctor and he asked Robbin to phone me so she could share the glorious news sooner than later. Gerry’s doctor was blown away by the results of his most recent blood tests. Not only was his fatty liver disease non-existent, all other health markers were off the charts for his age and history. His doctor asked what he was doing. He explained he had been eating mostly whole food, plant-based. Like me, she must have felt so buoyed. My heart swelled for Gerry and my dear friend. He’s got this. He knows what to do to feel better. I love my friends. I love that they allowed me this opportunity to share in this experience. We all need a Gerry in our lives.