Nov. 2, 2013. “Your son Jonathon, was killed by a drunk driver. He was in a taxi.”
Those were the words, or some iteration thereof, that I heard from the two young police officers who arrived at our door.
My journey to find my truth began at the moment. I have been through many waves, many resets, many questions, many agonizing moments but mostly, I have found my way to a place where I feel more me, I feel more love and joy, and I have a new relationship with my son who is no longer physically present in my life.
This is me.
In short, I found a new place to express the love I have, and will always generate, for my son. I became a plant-based, culinary professional through Rouxbe online, studying with Chefs Chad Sarno and Ken Rubin. I have studied Whole Food Plant-based nutrition via Cornell University and T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. I’ve chopped more vegetables in the past three years than I have in my lifetime and I’ve loved it. I’ve even cooked in Bali with the lovely Kristin Fraser, Holistic Nutritionist / Raw Food Chef Extraordinaire and owner of Inner Glow Nutrition.
Life is about living. And living well. I am so passionate about good food, healthy food, and about finding real joy and happiness. I hope you’ll join me on this journey.
Lori Church / Oh Peas
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