Want all the nutrition without the need for supplements? Just eat your vegetables.

Hungry for nutrition?

I love food puns. As a marketer I see the spin on nutrition. It’s confusing if you rely solely on media and marketers for your information. This is why I empower as many people as who will listen, through an evidence-based approach to nutrition. From there, you will be able to make informed choices, and do know they are your…

“Your son Jonathon…”

Nov. 2, 2013. “Your son Jonathon, was killed by a drunk driver. He was in a taxi.” Those were the words, or some iteration thereof, that I heard from the two young police officers who arrived at our door. My journey to find my truth began at the moment. I have been through many waves, many resets, many questions, many…

Food for Your Soul

Seriously. Food is more than just sustenance or a means to an end. Food, in every sense of the word, is love. Love for your body, your mind, your overall health. It’s more than buying a pre-made meal and heating it up or fast food delivery. It’s the sensual and primal centre for our very existence. Food is at the…

Talk or walk?

I am passionate about sharing my passion. Whether it is firing up an owner during a brainstorming / discovery session or testing recipes in my kitchen. I equally love seeing my clients and taste-testers light up. Lunch + learn: Want to talk turkey about plants with your group? I’ll bring some tasty treats and we can have a candid and…

Trees, meet forest.

Good marketing focuses on the customer, with a consistent and dedicated act of communication. I’m continually fascinated with the myriad of businesses that I’ve worked with over the years; from small dog-walking service providers to international law firms. I love/crave learning about business. My clients teach me as much as I teach them. In working with so many varied businesses, the single-most important tool that we…

Smokin’ Tofu Mushroom Brunch

While cremini mushrooms are plentiful (and tasty) in the grocery stores, if you get a chance to try chanterelles, it up-levels this dish in flavour and visual appeal.   Lovely colors abound in this easy-to-prepare dish. Do try the dry sauté. It eliminates unnecessary fat yet builds flavour. Smoked tofu adds the umami of bacon without the ‘ohgreasy’ of bacon.

Rustic Vegetable Curry Soup

A super simple and flexible soup that produces big flavour with little effort. Any combination of root and cruciferous vegetables makes for a satisfying meal.   All the vegetables in this recipe are negotiable. Basically, you need about eight cups of veggies. Note that the heartier the vegetables, the heartier the soup. No yams? Add carrots or increase the potatoes. No chickpeas?…

Bali Beans

This recipe was originally created in a small, shared kitchen in Ubud, Bali and it was enjoyed by the many guests Kristin Fraser and I hosted. Lentils, split white mapte (urad dal) beans or other quick-cooking legumes are perfect for this dish. While cinnamon is the star, get creative by adding a couple of cloves, star anise and/or lime juice.

Wild Rice Tex Mex Salad

Try this recipe with other brown rices or whole cooked grains (barley for example) for a different texture and taste experience. Fresh cilantro and hot sauce provide a super-powered flavour kick to this oh-so-easy-to-make salad. It’s a meal in a bowl. Enjoy it in a wrap using a whole wheat, soft tortilla shell.